Mr. Nobody

nobodyMr. Nobody (2009)

Language: English

Rating: R

Co produced between France, Germany, Belgium and Canada. The film is set about 100 years into the future where death has been conquered through stem cell research and other science techniques. Nemo Nobody is 118 years old and reaching death and the whole world is interested in how life was before this new found “immortality”, yet Nemo can’t remember anything about his past and through hypnosis, a psychiatrist tries to bring back all his past memories. Nemo often says contradictory statement. Nemo is tells two story’s, one about the life he lives with his mother after his parents divorce, the other about the life he lives with his father.

I really liked this film and it possess this big overall theme about choice. At 9, Nemo has to choose if he should live the rest of his life with his mother or father and for a child that’s nearly impossible. This film made me think about the choices I’ve had to make in my life, like where to go to college, what I should major in. It just made me think about all these small choices that we have to make and can have a great impact on our future.

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